Hi Everyone,
So my first blog gave a little bit of information about me and my experience with web development and how I got started with intel. The first experience I had was with the Intel Ultimate Engineering Experience when they went to Arizona. The unique experience was after the event, when I was invited to be a student mentor with some students from Contra Costa Community College. So far it has been a very interesting and very rewarding experience.
When I first got the email i was very interested in HTML5 and teaching that to people who have had very little to no exposure to programming or web development. When I got to the event and really sat down with the two sessions, AM and PM I noticed that they had two different learning styles, skill sets, and experience. It was definitely a challenge at first, especially because I have more managerial experience than mentorship experience. My fellow mentors from Contra Costa assisted me and we finally had a system going where they would answer game based questions and I would handle web development.
We are now in week two of app academy and everyone is looking phenomenal so far. The one reason that really made me decide to come to oregon is the look of people new to program. I remember my first HTML class and pulling up HTML on a screen was the coolest thing since the invention of the computer. Seeing a studen'ts reaction to creating something on a computer is an experience that I always love being a part of and this was an opportunity where I could be a part of that experience 120 different times.
So far it has been the most unique experience of my student career. Between inspiring these students to do something amazing as well as networking with both Intel staff as well as fellow mentors and people in the area. From teaching basic HTML to game loops, to navigation bars and efficient coding and everything in between, this has been an invaluable experience from both a professional engineering point of view as well as from a teaching and educational point of view. More to come as this experience comes to a close this coming thursday.