We are in another Code for Good Hackathon, this one called the Intel Ultimate Engineering Experience [IUEE]. From June 10 - 20, Contra Costa College students fly to Chandler Gilbert College, a community college in Arizona. We are facilitating 2 separate hackathon there. In each hackathon group, there are 9 teams, each with about 6 people; there are around 120 people total in this IUEE event. This is the 1st time we participated in a hackathon at this scale.
The briefing before the hackathonees begun their work.
Facilitators wear a bright orange shirt to stand out in the crowd,
however, many of us don't really want to wear it for a whole week. :D
The students coded away whle the facilitators shoulder-surfed, which is walking around & looking over people's shoulders, assisting whenever there are problems. It is better to bud in & ask if help is needed, since many people are too shy to ask 1st. We planned things the best we could, but there were still room for improvements. This hackathon was an experiment for us to revise & tune, to make future hackathons run more smoothly [we have 2 more IUEE events this summer].
As chaotic as it is, if the students leave feeling satisfied, we succeeded. Even if noting gets done & they feel great because they learned a lot, we succeeded. Lets hope they do get their apps working though.